Done for you posting
You'll be in good company.
Great companies rely on Videodeck to build their video presence.
Choose how many videos you’d like us to create or get a subscription for weekly fresh video content. We got you covered.
Cancel anytime, Easy credit card payments
Our most popular service. Get done-for-you product videos, educational videos or explainer videos. 5+ actors to choose from.
Suitable for product demos, animated videos and product explainers.
Total of five videos
$12,500 - Paid upfront
Total of ten videos
$22,000 - Paid upfront
Replace the skippable loom videos with
product videos your users will love to watch. This is the perfect pack to scale content production and build an audience.
Keep your users up to date with stunning video product updates or educational videos to grow organically
We optimise and distribute your videos so your videos find an audience organically.
We help busy marketing teams turn their hour-long webinars into impactful short-form videos. 100% done for you.
4 shorts per month based on existing webinars and video content.
10 shorts per month based on existing webinars and video content.
Done for you posting
We help you upload and optimise your YouTube videos. We make sure that your videos get the best chance to rank on Google and YouTube organically so your organic leads can grow.
100% done for you YouTube management and optimization.
Get on a call with us. You will get to talk to Heleana, our founder and we'll answer any of your questions about our process, pricing and all things product video production.
Contact us and we'll get back in under 24 hours. Pinky promise!
Send any questions to or jump on a quick call with us.